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  • mysteriousbookshop

New Move and a New Start

I just could not shut it down and walk away. It didn't feel right to me on any level - so I worked out a plan and a new budget, then found the perfect location with a tier that is 75% less than the one I was paying. It is a smaller footprint and required me to let go of several of my own destinations - but I kept the 3 that are the core of this build. The Book Shoppe, The Store, and Sakura. With this newfound financial stability, I hope to keep this site open for many years.

There are some massive destinations in SL, huge multiple sim builds that boggle the mind (and the bank account) But what I've learned about building & designing venues for myself is that if I am not totally in love with the idea - it just never works. The Book Shoppe idea has been in my head for several years, I could never seem to put it away for good because I had fallen in love with the idea. I used to envy those deep pocket multi-sim places, thinking bigger is better. But the lesson I learned from this last adventure is that if I am not totally in love with my idea, it doesn't matter how big and expansive it is. It will fail because it lacks that quality of authenticity that resonates with everyone who visits. If it means nothing to the creator it will mean nothing to everyone else. I know from experience that people can sense that in the creative arts as well. It's not about passion and drama - it's about meaning.

I'm redoing the website now to reflect all these changes.

Due to RL project demands, I will not be in SL very much for the foreseeable future once this is finished. But I intend to keep my standing social engagements on Wednesdays and Fridays. Hopefully, free time for traveling and exploring that allows me to create new Destination Books will return soon.

Until next time ... Stay Curious!


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